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WOW - 2009-06-23- 11:46 a.m.

"WOW "

Last night (Sunday) Tat and I played our game for awhile. I got on my littlest toon named Tera Rose and we got her a level even though we got her dead two or three times. I did get her a lot of good loot to send in the mail to Koradeck and to sell. Finally when I died one more time I decided to log off and head for bed.

Saturday I got a call from my company president about the Internet being down. I talked him threw resetting our router and the mail server only cause he wanted to do something. Neither of those things were really needed. I knew it was from the bad storm we had Friday night. It was not a long storm but the wind was very strong over 70 MPH gusts. I called our ISP and no one answered the phone and the voice box was full. But I did get a message that many places were down and they were working n them.

This morning the 1st thing I did was call them and I got threw. They sent a guy out here to look at our antenna but that was when he found that the card in the tower was fired. He put a call in and told me a guy was going to be on his way there to change out the card.

The president chewed me out saying I was not aggressive enough with them and only when he get rough with me do I even do anything. He keeps on getting rough with me all the time so what the hell is he talking about. He also told me he felt as if he should take a shower after seeing my keyboards so I should clean them. He is a jerk there too. That man is always trying to get me to feel as if I am dirty and I know I am not. What he thought was dirt on my keyboard was from where I had a sticker and all the sticky had not come off. I wiped it will alcohol and all was better no need to take a shower now, jerk.

The maintenance man is also a jerk and a liar. The old lead cutter machine had broke down when he was on vacation one week. I called another guy over to look at it. He did what he could then called the maintenance guy and told him over the phone But today the maintenance man told me no one ever told him about this. He checked it out and said the power supply is bad (which is what I had said) and it is $1700 so we will not buy that (also what I said). He did say he was going to check around and see if he could find a used one cheaper. He really does not think he will be able to find anything yet so it is still dead anyway.

I was suppose to leave today at 10 from work but I have got to stay until the Internet is back up. Then I began working on phones again. I have one phone that was acting like a mute button was stuck. Well I had another phone begin doing that too. The 1st phone was squirted with oil and when the girl cleaned it we think she may have hit the mute button but the light does not work to show it was on. But it is now working. The other phone the mute light works but was not on. I did change the phone and it works there but there is a problem cause the phone keeps the extension and that phone is an office phone where the lady is suppose to answer the phone but it does not ring like it should. I have been on the phone talking to a Kathy quite a bit today and I will leave that other phone plugged in so that lady can make phone calls at least. She will be heard when she talks this way. But she will still have to be at another desk to answer the phone. Or I will have to answer the phone myself. I guess either way would work since we do not have Internet yet. Should also be good for my diet cause I did not bring a lunch with me to work today (Monday).

Now it it Tuesday and Everything is still up and going. the phone I was working on yesterday is also working so I saved the company some money and myself some time. I let the accounting person know I will be leaving today at 10 and put 11 on my time card to cover that hour I worked at home on Saturday and she agreed that was a good idea. so right now it is 9:30 so I get to go home in half an hour.

Ok I am home and I ate some left over goulash fired up and then watched some TV for awhile. It was nice to relax at home.

Live hard, Love long, and Laugh often!!!!

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Thought stuck in my head; I like being home

What I want today; nothing much

My mood today;ok

Halloween Hangman created by The Dimension's Edge, Inc.

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