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- - 2013-02-15- 4:07 p.m.

Need a JOB

Yesterday (2/12/13) I took my daughter-in-law to the grocery store and when we coming home we pulled into the park and saw my granddaughter. She was walking with an older girl. The girl said she almost went with the bus. She said Baby girl was doing her homework on the bus and did not realize it was her stop. I told that girl that she has to have her homework done before she can come to my house and she wants to come to my house. Baby girl said yep. That was so cute. Then I told baby girl I had her mother in my car. She then asked if she could get a ride. I said, well you have to sit on your mom�s lap so she ran around to get in the car. She then showed us both how her top front tooth was very loose. We kept telling her to just pull it out. I finally said to twist it a Little so as she was walking toward the house door she did and out it came. She was excited when it came out so I said go show your Dad and she ran into the house.

She came to our house about half an hour after we all got home. Her homework was all done so she could come up. Her Dad had said sometime about her getting nutty buddies at my house and they make her hyper. So I told her she was now on a no nutty buddy diet. She giggled and agreed. The funny thing about that was the day he said she was hyper from them I had only given her half of one and that was it. She just gets hyper at home cause at my house she is so calm and watching TV. I let her control what she watches on NetFlicks. I sit and watch with her. She does not jump around or anything. Then when it is time to go home I watch her out the door and she runs to her house. I then call to make sure she went in the door.

It was my Dad�s 80th birthday (2/13/13). My Sister and brother got together and planned a late lunch at Candle light INN. The thing is that Tat and I got to go cause we needed to drive him there. My Brother paid for everyone, which was cool. Dan also gave Dad a can of coffee with a sucker taped to the top for Valentines Day. He gave Tat and I each part of a bottle of pills we needed and suckers for each of us and Bear and my son and his family.

Tat and I had chicken Gorge and Dad had an Angus burger. Dad, Dan and David sat on one side of the table and Tat my sister and me sat on the other side. We had a good time talking and laughing. When I took Dad to get pants at Farm & Fleet he got his 18-year-old size so they did not fit him. And he has not washed his clothes so Tat let him wear a pair of his pants that fit him good. The new pants fit David so I told him to come get them.

When we left the restaurant we went to Wall-Mart so I could pick up my site to store movie. I had bought the 2nd Bridget Jones one so mow I have them both on DVD. I had a nice conversation with the lady behind the counter too. Then we went home. I had baked a cake for my Dad the night before and before we went to lunch I decorated it and put his 8 and 0 candles on it. I told him I did not want to put 80 holes in the cake and he laughed. I then called my son and told him to come up for cake and ice cream after they ate supper so he did. We all had cake and ice cream and I gave out the suckers Dan gave them. It was a nice day.

Ok yesterday was Valentine�s Day. We are broke but Tat did think up things for a gift to me. He found and printed out cards of big foot saying things like you rock me with him holding a rock. There is four of them with different sayings on them. He printed them out and taped them to my desk so I could see them and he changed my background to big foot laying in flower pedals holding a big pink heart. It shocked me when I saw it and I almost did not see the 4 cards because of the background. Tat also said he would make Omelets for supper cause he makes them so well.

I got a call from my son asking me to take Baby girl to her other Grandma�s cause she does not have school on Friday. So she came up and gave me gas money and had her seat with her and her backpack and a book. I had her get in the backseat of my car and she buckled up. She began to read to me while I drove so I made sure the radio was off so I could hear her. We went to the gas station 1st then I took her to her other Grandma�s. When we got there her uncle had just pulled up and was taking his son in the house too. Baby girl kissed me a few times then out the door she went to go into her other grandma�s house and I went back home. Tat began cooking the Omelets and boy were they big. He had made bacon too and biscuits too. I got so dang full from his supper.

Ok Today 2/15/13 I was told right before time to go home that I am not the IT person any more. Next Monday there will be a Woman who interviewed for my job the day I went home sick who will be doing my job.

I am to report to Terrie the supervisor and will be working on Jake Brake line. My pay is cut down to $9.20 an hour and then the following week my hours are cut to 24. I did not cry or yell or get pissed even though I was. The 1st thing I did was step out of his office and said loudly to Jay that I was not the IT person anymore and will not be doing that thing Monday. Tat and I went to the unemployment office and talked to them. Th lady there said I have to be cut to 18 hours. That was when it hit me that Sherry, Terrie and Scott went to see his lawyer a few weeks ago so I know he knows that. I am sure he had that checked out. I will just hang in there until I get a real job someplace else.

Live hard, Love long, and Laugh often!!!!

Thought stuck in my head; I hate him
What I want today; A real Job
My mood today; Pissed

Halloween Hangman created by The Dimension's Edge, Inc.

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